How to Get a Flat Stomach & a Big Butt

Shape your body with exercise and healthy eating.
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Attaining a flatter stomach -- and a tighter, larger butt -- can take some work. However, with a combination of diet and exercise, you can effectively work toward this goal. Just keep in mind that different people have different genes. While you can certainly shrink your stomach and build up your gluteal muscles, you may always have a bit of a pooch. Similarly, don't expect to create buns that will instantly turn heads if your buttocks are on the flatter side.

    Eat healthy and watch your calorie intake. You can't choose where your body loses fat, so the only way to a flatter stomach is through overall weight loss. If you cut just 500 calories from your diet each day, this can result in 1 pound of fat loss per week because 1 pound is equivalent to 3,500 calories. Try reducing your average portion size and eliminate fried foods and high-calorie foods, such as desserts, from your diet. Ensure proper nutrition by eating a variety of healthy foods, such as brightly-colored vegetables and fruits, lean proteins such as shellfish and tofu, whole grains such as corn tortillas and whole rye bread, and some fats from plant foods such as nuts and avocado.

    Do cardio exercise -- which involves movement that gets your heart rate up. While diet is the most important piece of the fat-loss equation, cardio burns a significant amount of calories to flatten your stomach faster. It is also vital for weight maintenance. Perform 45 to 60 minutes of moderate to intense cardio most days of the week. Moderate options include speedwalking and cycling on even terrain. Intense choices include swimming laps, running and rollerblading. Remember, the higher the intensity, the greater the calorie-burning effect.

    Perform ab exercises. For toning instead of muscle building, steer clear of moves that use heavy weight. Instead, focus on body weight exercises such as crunches and V-ups. Perform a classic crunch by lying on the floor, knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Fold your arms on your chest, and then raise your upper back and shoulders as you tighten your abs. You can do a reverse crunch by positioning your legs straight up, with your arms and hands flat down at your sides. Push your feet up toward the sky while tightening your abs. To execute a V-up, lie on your back, and then simultaneously raise your legs straight up, while reaching toward your raised feet. Perform two sets of 12 repetitions each per exercise. By focusing on reps rather than intensity, you can tone abdominal muscles without adding extra bulk.

    Build up your glutes. Since you are going for bulk here, focus on moves that work your gluteal muscles hard. At home, do squats while holding a dumbbell or can of soup in each hand for added resistance. Walk slowly up and down stairs, skipping a step. At the gym, head to the weight room and use the leg press machine or perform deadlifts with a bar weight. Complete one set of 10 reps, using as much weight as you can safely handle.


    • Work all major muscle groups, not just abs and rear, to avoid imbalance.


    • Always check with your physician prior to starting a diet or exercise program.

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