Exercise Ball Exercises to Do While Watching T.V.

Watch your favorite show and work out with a stability ball.
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When you've waited all week for your favorite television show, it's hard to give it up for anything, including exercise. Put those multitasking skills to work so you don't miss an episode or turn into a blob while watching them. Exercise ball exercises, also referred to as stability ball exercises, can be done as you watch your favorite show to keep your body lean and toned -- while you avoid becoming a couch potato.

Upper Body Exercise

    Step 1

    Tone your chest, arms and back while performing stability ball dumbbell flyes. Sit on the stability ball with your feet planted on the floor.

    Step 2

    Hold the dumbbells vertically in front of your chest. Bring your arms out toward your sides until it feels like you're trying to squeeze your shoulder blades together.

    Step 3

    Return your arms to the center to complete one repetition. Do eight to 16 reps to begin looking great in that sleeveless or low-cut dress.

    Step 4

    Get a buff upper body with stability ball pushups. Position your hands on the sides of the center of the ball top, while balancing the rest of your body on the balls of your feet. Keep your entire body in a straight line.

    Step 5

    Lower and raise your body about 6 to 12 inches to perform pushups. Form is more important than quantity with pushups, so do your best and aim for eight to 12 pushups, but don't sweat it if you can only do a few initially.

Core Exercise

    Step 1

    Cinch your waist and get a slender, toned belly and lower back with stability ball core exercises. Get ready for the stability ball pass by lying on your back, with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and the stability ball squeezed between your knees.

    Step 2

    Lift your upper body and your bent legs toward your midsection at the same time. Grab the ball from between your knees, and then lower your upper and lower body with control.

    Step 3

    Repeat Step 2, alternately transferring the ball from your hands to between your knees and back again. Do eight to 16 reps.

    Step 4

    Tighten and tone your obliques -- the muscles along your sides -- while doing eight to 16 reps of the stability ball reach. Remain in the same starting position as you used for the ball pass exercise. Hold the ball in your hands, and raise and lower your upper body while alternately reaching outside your left and right knee.

Lower Body Exercise

    Step 1

    Lift a saggy booty and tone your thighs simultaneously with stability ball squats. Place the ball between your lower back and the wall to get into the starting position.

    Step 2

    Roll down the wall as you bend your knees to get into a squat or sitting position. Hold the position for five counts before standing up again. Do eight to 12 ball squats.

    Step 3

    Work those lower body muscles and get your upper body involved, too, with side squat reaches. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, while holding the ball over your head.

    Step 4

    Squat to a 45-degree angle as you rotate your upper body to the left and reach the ball outside your left foot. Stand and straighten your upper body, while raising the ball over your head.

    Step 5

    Repeat Step 4, alternating between reaching toward the left and right. Do eight to 12 reps on each side.


    • Check with your doctor before you start any exercise program to be sure it's right for you.


    • Strength training exercises alone will not help you burn fat. Although it can help increase your metabolism, you need to get your butt in gear with some cardio to blast fat and get rid of jiggly arms, a muffin top or big booty. Do at least 300 minutes per week of cardio to lose weight.


    • Give your muscles a day off between stability ball workouts so they can recover.

    Things You'll Need

    • Dumbbells

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