How to Deal With a Lack of Appreciation in the Workplace

Make a list of all the good things you do to boost self-appreciation.
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One of the last things you want to do is fall victim to a lack of appreciation at work. It will affect your productivity and could make you start to hate your job. More people leave their place of employment for this reason than they do for compensation issues. Underlying the need to make a living is a need for recognition and appreciation for what you do. A supervisor that fails to recognize your contributions might need a nudge in the right direction from you. When you are feeling under-appreciated at work, consider taking action.

    Step 1

    Appreciate yourself first. If you find that you aren't being appreciated at work, it may be a sign that you aren't giving enough credit to yourself for the hard work you do. Keep a daily log of your accomplishments and your self-esteem will receive a boost. Once you feel good about yourself, others pick up on your positive vibe and begin to compliment you as well.

    Step 2

    Update your daily log or journal with complete records of special projects, accomplishments and deadlines met. If a customer or co-worker compliments you on a job well done, add this to your journal. When it comes time for your annual performance review, your appreciation log will come in handy when you meet with your boss.

    Step 3

    Show appreciation for others. When you offer gratitude or appreciation, you develop a positive mindset and attract appreciation from others. Your co-workers will reciprocate your compliments and gratitude for a job well done.

    Step 4

    Make a point to talk up someone else who did a good job at the next staff meeting. If your company participates in employee award programs, consider nominating a peer or your boss for the award. If your company doesn't recognize employees in these ways, get involved and find out why. Talk to the human resources department and suggest developing such a program. Employee recognition programs work well in companies that use them by retaining valuable employees.

    Step 5

    Toot your own horn. Meet with your boss and ask for feedback on the work you do. Let her know that you're feeling under appreciated. Tell her that you would enjoy a "job well done" or "thank you" occasionally on your successful projects. If she's unaware of your accomplishments, take the time to let her know. A meeting with your boss can help you figure out if she's the type that offers compliments. If you learn that she isn't, you shouldn't take her lack of appreciation personally.

    Step 6

    Join a workplace group. Some companies offer a social group to help plan company events or a community group that provides outreach to the local community. These activities allow you to meet other people in the company and interact socially with your co-workers. When you go out of the way to help others, this alleviates any bad feelings you might have because you feel unappreciated. When you take the time to help others and focus on their issues, your problems may begin to seem insignificant in comparison.

    Step 7

    Involve yourself with a professional organization outside of work that provides support and appreciation. Many organizations offer peer support, conferences and certificate programs. A certificate program will provide you self-esteem and appreciation for completion of the program.


    • Look for other ways your boss might show her appreciation. If she assigns you special projects or offers greater trust, these may be the ways she communicates her appreciation. Make an effort to increase your own self-worth and esteem, so when others aren't as appreciative of you as they should be, you won't feel sad or get down on yourself.


    • Avoid the extreme of too much self-appreciation. If all you do is talk about how great you are at work, others will consider you a braggart. There is a fine line between tooting your own horn and bragging.

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