What Are the Benefits of Barbell Exercises?

Barbell exercises can change your life.
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Besides being a fun and challenging hobby, barbell exercise has many health benefits, some of them long-term. Resistance training has been shown to improve mental and physical aspects of health. You can change your outlook on life and the way your body looks and feels at the same time. Barbell exercises are also uncomplicated -- no fancy moves required.

Barbell Exercises

    Barbell exercises are a form of resistance training. Resistance training is using your muscles to move resistance, usually weights. Examples of barbell resistance training are squats, bench press, barbell row, shoulder press, deadlifts and curls to name a few. Barbells allow you to move more weight than you could with a dumbbell because you have two hands on a fixed object. This makes it safer to learn new exercises.

    You can lift weights with a friend.

Mental Benefits

    Women who resistance train report feeling more confident and capable, according to the website IDEAFit. Lifting weights makes you stronger which allows you to do things with less effort, which boosts confidence. Productivity, a positive mood and sleeping habits improve with regular training as well. All these mental benefits come along with the physical benefits that barbell exercises provide.

    Resistance train to change your outlook on life.

Physical Benefits

    Lifting weights also provides many physical benefits. When you lift weights, you increase your bone density which is essential to preventing osteoporosis. This also changes your body composition to less fat and more muscle. Resistance training can reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease, according to IDEAFit.. If you want to speed up your metabolism, lift weights. This will move food through your body faster and help to fight incidences of colon cancer, says ACE.

    Barbell exercises will tighten your body.


    Before beginning any type of resistance training program, get a clean bill of health from your medical provider. Before exercising, do a thorough warmup to prevent injury. Wear athletic shoes and clothes, and bring water to stay hydrated. Inspect all equipment for damage or missing parts before using it. If anything hurts while working out, stop and make sure you are performing the exercise correctly. If possible work out with a licensed personal trainer or strength coach to maximize your gains while preventing injury.

    Workout with a personal trainer to prevent injury.

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