How to Become a Workplace Diversity & Inclusion Expert

Train others in diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
i Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images

Many employers today are implementing programs to recruit and retain a workforce comprised of people from diverse backgrounds. They also want to improve relationships between management and employees, as well as between employees of different genders, cultures and religions. An expert in workplace diversity and inclusion can train management, employees, and other diversity professionals. She can also develop workshops, employment policy guidelines, teaching materials and group exercises. Becoming an expert in this field requires basic education, professional certification and work experience.

    Step 1

    Enroll in a workshop or course offered by a local university or diversity training organization. Many accredited schools offer diversity classes as part of their labor and human resources degrees. Some universities offer workshops to the public as well. There are also a multitude of organizations that specialize in diversity and inclusion training. These organizations offer weekend workshops and continuing education classes.

    Step 2

    Ask your employer to enroll you in a diversity workshop or to schedule diversity training sessions at your workplace.

    Step 3

    Earn a certificate in diversity from a certificate program. Some accredited schools and diversity organizations offer certificate programs that require you to take specialized courses or workshops to earn points towards a certificate.

    Step 4

    Qualify for a professional designation like (CDP) “Certified Diversity Professional,” (CDE) “Certified Diversity Executive,” or (CCDP/AP) “Cornell Certified Diversity Professional/Advanced Practitioner.” The programs that award professional designations often require basic training, diversity-related work experience, and a passing score on their exam to earn the designation. In addition to an exam, you are usually required to take continuing education courses to keep your designation current.

    Step 5

    Apply for jobs within the human resources departments of companies and government entities. These departments need professionals to develop recruitment and employment policies, as well as provide training for employees and management.

    Step 6

    Apply for jobs with diversity training organizations. These organizations need professionals who can develop educational materials and teach workshops.

    Step 7

    Apply for a job in the employee recruitment field. There are many employee recruitment companies, or "head hunters," that need professionals trained in diversity and inclusion.

    Step 8

    Start a diversity training business. Market your training to private companies and government entities that need help with diversity and inclusion during the recruitment of employees and the training of employees and management. Develop materials to use when teaching diversity and inclusion, like course worksheets, training exercises and informational pamphlets.

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