Army Regulations for a Physical Fitness Badge

The Physical Fitness Badge recognizes the strength and endurance of soldiers.
i Scott Olson/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Alongside ribbons, medals and patches that honor outstanding service in combat, the United States Army awards the Physical Fitness Badge to men and women who excel during the Army Physical Fitness Test. Passing the APFT is no walk in the part -- the test includes pushups, situps and a 2-mile run -- but you need to meet even more stringent regulations to get a Physical Fitness Badge.

Scoring Regulations

    To pass the APFT, you must score 60 points on each event -- pushup, situps and running -- for a cumulative total of at least 180 points. However, Section 8-51 of Army Regulation 600-8-22 says that, due to standards established in 1999, you'll have to reach a minimum of 90 points per event and a total score of at least 270 to receive the Army Physical Fitness Badge.

Badge Placement Regulations

    The Physical Fitness Badge is the only insignia that the Army authorizes for wear exclusively on the physical fitness uniform and improved physical fitness uniform, commonly called the PFU and IPFU. According to Army Regulation 670-1, Section 14-5, the badge must be sewn on the upper-left front side of the PFU and IPFU tee and the PFU sweatshirt. On the IPFU running jacket, the badge resides 1/2 inch above the word “Army.”

Badge Constructions Regulations

    Like all Army awards, the Physical Fitness Badge is constructed to meet specific regulations. In this case, the Code of Federal Regulations Title 32, Section 578.101 lays out the details. The dark blue, disc-shaped cloth badge measures 2 5/8 inches in diameter, including 1 5/8 inches of artwork surrounded by a 1/8-inch border. The badge sports a yellow arm placed in front of the United States coat of arms. Six stars, three on each side, accent the figure, which stands before 13 red and white stripes. The words “Physical Fitness Excellence” recognize the achievements of its recipients.

More to Consider

    The Physical Fitness Badge traces its history back to 1986, when the then-serving Secretary of the Army John O. Marsh, Jr. first established it. Despite the rigorous standards, you have to meet to get the Physical Fitness Badge; you do not to have permanent orders to receive this award. While Army Regulations 600-8-22 and 670-1 detail regulations pertaining directly to the Army Physical Fitness Badge, DA Form 705, the Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard, features a complete breakdown of APFT standards. This info, divided into gender and age groups, might come in handy if you're shooting for the badge.

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